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Human trafficking is the only industry in which supply and demand are the same thing: human beings. People demanding the sale of people.
High demand drives the high volume of supply. Increasing demand from consumers for cheap goods incentivizes corporations to demand cheap labor, often forcing those at the bottom of the supply chain to exploit workers.
Secondly, increased demand for commercial sex, especially with young girls and boys incentivizes commercial sex venues including strip clubs, pornography, and prostitution to recruit and exploit children.
The more people addicted to pornography the higher the demand for commercial sex. This addiction is not only found in the trucking industry but also in the homes and offices of middle-class America. Affecting both men and women alike. Tearing families apart and leaving our children vulnerable to trafficking and abuse.
Considering this, we have created numerous resources including our Youth At Risk: Until All Are Free seminar for churches and organizations as well as our three-day intensive for those who want to deal with their addictions. The one-day seminar is available for a very low cost. Plus, scholarships are available to help with the cost of the intensive. Your financial gift to TFC Global can be allocated to help with the cost of these events to help those who need assistance.
Programs like these not only bolster the spiritual and moral development of families but also enable these families to sustain their essential efforts without additional financial strain. Your kingdom investment will empower numerous families with the tools they need to protect and equip their loved ones. Together, we can make a significant impact in the lives of those families who are struggling with a pornography issue.
If God is tugging on your heart to be involved in this vital program of TFC Global, here are some ways you can help.
Remember, if we never address these issues and become proactive in resolving the addictions that fuel this problem and make people more aware of what is happening, we will never see the day when trafficking
no longer exists.
The following information is designed for spouses of men who are struggling with consumer sexual behavior and addiction. TFC Global partners with Be Broken to provide the curriculum for our weekend intensive workshops. In addition, the following Wives’ Care program, gives much-needed support.
For the Wife:
For the Marriage Relationship:
The following graphic gives a healing pathway for the Wives’ Care Program. Link to the Be Broken Wives’ Care page here to see the pathway icons for each of the resources listed above.