International Ministries Update: Africa
From: Adriaan Fourie
Ms. Tunu Lamek ministers to the trucking community in Kenya. The photo (top left) shows a lady truck driver Tunu met. The driver shared her challenges, including her story from the night before. She was stuck in the middle of a forest after running out of fuel, with no one around to help her. Alone for the entire night, she finally received assistance in the morning from another driver who came along. Situations like this are the biggest fear for drivers in Africa, and even more so for female drivers in vulnerable spots. Pray for Tunu to have the words of comfort and faith to share about the God who never leaves us alone.
Brother Joseph Jackson cares for the trucking community in the port city of Mwanza. In August, a team of people spoke with drivers waiting at the port. Fourteen drivers were reached; six accepted Jesus as their Savior. Pray for continued opportunities to speak with drivers, pray for them, and share the gospel.
We are so thankful for the oversight of our locations in Africa by the African Ministries Director, Adriaan Fourie. Your support of the trucking community in Kenya and Tanzania provides for the resources and travel expenses of Ms. Lamek and Br. Jackson. Logistics are being worked out to get Bibles and other resources directly into the hands of drivers who need them.