A Word From Our President
By: Ron Fraser
For decades, we’ve expected men to appear strong. In advertising and popular media, the alpha male or “man’s man” is strong, silent, self-reliant, doesn’t express emotions, mocks those who do, and only receives comfort in a woman’s arms or at the bottom of several drinks. While it’s exciting to watch the adventures of these men on screen, the problem comes when men are pressured to emulate them. It affects what is socially acceptable and how people teach their children. By discouraging men from talking about their emotions we are encouraging men to not talk about mental health issues. Faced with the proposition of improving workplace wellbeing, many employers understandably ask whether it’s their position to influence employee wellbeing in the first place. Simply put: Creating thriving lives is the right thing to do, and it makes good business sense too.
Isaiah 43:18-19 “But forget all that, it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do a brand-new thing. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness for my people to come home. I will create rivers for them in the desert!”
“If we can’t find a way to turn pew warmers into soul winners then what we’re left with is an army that specializes in war cries …. and not war …. commanders satisfied with the accolades of the troops and not the exhilaration of victory.” Unknown
TFC Global has developed a chaplaincy program that includes caring for the physical, psychological, and spiritual needs of your professional drivers and their families. Truck driving is characterized as a profession that puts some drivers at considerable risk for poor health outcomes due to their work environments. These risks can be seen in chronic stress, disruptive sleep patterns, erratic schedules, and excessive time away from support systems. Although many companies have prioritized the health of their employees and drivers, the workload demands of trucking weigh heavily on the development of marital issues, addictions, anxiety, suicide, and even poor eating habits.
Wilfred Grenfell said once.” If you are going to commend your gospel to men who do not particularly want to hear it, you must do something for them that they will be certain to understand” He built hospitals for Eskimos.
TFC Global has long recognized the need to come alongside companies and drivers to deliver a ministry of presence that goes beyond what most chaplaincy programs provide. In addition to providing spiritual care for this community, we are also able to offer the following services. These services give recipients point-of-contact resources, local referral capabilities, and a trained professional chaplain.
- Crisis Care from a trained chaplain, available 24/7
- Pornography addiction assistance through a three-day retreat held twice each year that will utilize our professional counselor network
- Human Trafficking Awareness training through our Youth at Risk presentations under our Gateway to Freedom Foundation program
- Trained chaplains to provide needed assistance to the drivers and their families
- A casualty and loss program for drivers who have been injured or killed on the highway · TruckersLife Care Centers that provide safe parking areas for the drivers as well as meet their physical, psychological, and spiritual needs
In the coming year won’t you help us care for your professional driver and his family by securing a TFC Global corporate chaplain for your trucking company or organization or by helping us fund our TruckersLife Care Center? Check us out at TFCGlobal.org.