The Difference One Person Can Make
Paul Stege Ministries Newsletter Excerpt
Paul Stege is a truck driver who began purchasing Bibles by faith to hand out to other drivers. Large quantity purchases were made when he didn’t know where that money would come from to cover the cost. God has always provided the necessary funds. Once he had the Bibles, he would partner with churches to put stickers (a sticker party) inside the Bibles that contained the message of how to accept Christ as their Savior.
“We are so blessed each day we live and even more grateful to have celebrated Jesus in December. I love celebrating Jesus! He truly is the reason for the season. We are truly thankful for every person who prayed, labored, and generously gave after being led by the Holy Spirit to do so. It is because of His leading that anything good happens in life.
Psalm 37:3 says, “Trust in the Lord and do good.” So, we did. At the beginning of the year, January 2024, we felt the Lord showed us that He wanted us to give away 250,000 Bibles. I am happy to announce that with the sticker party on December 15 in Philadelphia and another one scheduled in Bangor, Maine, this mission was completed. A total of 80,000 of our goal was accomplished in the last few months of the year. It has been a wild ride. The Lord was giving me a master class in trusting Him during this grueling time. I am naturally a person who is frugal and likes things completely in my control. I am learning and growing.
On the opposite page, only the Lord could organize and pull off getting over 9,000 individual Christmas gifts to be consolidated into 700 bags with 11 items per bag and 1,000 extras to boot. The bags are given to rescued border children who have suffered all kinds of trauma. An organization called Breaking Boundaries received our bags and distributed them to the children. It took 4 churches, 1 ministry, and 2 trucking companies to accomplish this task over 3 different states.
Thanks to Calvary Chapels of Bangor, Maine, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania, and Honey Brook, Pennsylvania, Magnolia Bible Church, Paul Stege Ministries, Sibley Transportation, and STBI to come together in the unity of the Spirit. Each bag contained: crayons, coloring books, brushes, Uno card games, Spanish Bibles, hair scrunchies, journals, socks, stuffed animals, blankets, and Match Box cars. Thank you, Jesus, for allowing all of this to happen!”