Parenting in the Age of Pornography
By: Ron Fraser
I just heard of a request from a single mother courageously raising 4 boys (ages 10-17). In the middle of the daily challenges of her work, compounded by the complexities of parenting, she just caught her boys watching pornography. What she wants is to walk alongside her boys in helping them become men of godly sexual integrity. Her fervent hope is to train her boys to become men who have a solid foundation of Biblical sexuality and who honor and protect the women in their lives.
This mother along with so many others faces unique challenges and has limited access to resources that many of us take for granted. Considering this, TFC Global has some great resources including our “Until All Are Free“ one-day seminar for churches and organizations as well as a three-day addiction weekend intensive for those who want to deal with their addictions. The one-day seminar is available for a very low cost plus scholarships are available to help with the cost of the weekend intensive. Your financial gift to TFC Global can be allocated to help with the cost of these events to help those who need assistance like this devoted mother of boys.
Programs like these not only bolster the spiritual and moral development of families but also enable these families to sustain their essential efforts without additional financial strain. Your kingdom investment will empower numerous families with the tools they need to protect and equip their family members. Together, we can make a significant impact in the lives of those families who are struggling with a pornography issue. Here are three ways you can help. One, host a Until All Are Free seminar at your church or community group. Two, give a financial gift specifically allocated to this program. And, three, pray for parents like the single mom to have supernatural wisdom and divine patience. In addition, pray for those trapped in human trafficking. Visit our website page at