An Encounter With God
By: Ron Fraser
There comes a time when we all come to a fork in the road of life where we must decide which road we are going to take. You only need to look at what is going on in our world today to know that the time is now! The decision becomes how we are going to live our lives and in what or whom we are going to believe.
It has been said that no matter which road we take, it doesn’t matter because all roads lead to God. Unlike the physical highways that we travel—which do not all go to the same location—the road we take in life always leads to an encounter with God. Why? Because God exists. When you die, you will meet Him, regardless of the “road” that you are on. It does not matter what your religious affiliation is; when you leave this life, the road that you are on will, at one point, lead straight to Him.
But what happens then? While what you believe about God right now may not seem to matter to you at all—and you may not care one bit whether you’ll eventually meet Him or not—you need to understand that when you do come face-to-face with your Creator, what you believe about Him and what you have done with His truth will matter greatly.
You see, while all roads lead to God, only one leads to His forgiveness, mercy, grace, and eternal life. All other roads lead to His judgment. This is by His design. If there were any other way or road that led to God’s place of forgiveness, then Jesus wouldn’t have had to go to the cross. In the garden, the Son said, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me” (Matthew 26:39). If any other road were viable, Jesus would have given it to us.
Instead, Jesus went to the cross, took on Himself the sins of those who put their trust in Him, and delivered us from the wrath of God that falls on those who ignore His gift. This is why He calls Himself the Way (John 14:6) and not a way; that’s why He describes Himself as the Door (John 7) and not just one door of many. When we say it is only through Jesus that eternal life with God is possible, we are not being arrogant, intolerant, or narrow-minded.
To speak the truth is the most loving thing a person can do. When the only Man ever to die, be buried, and rise again—something witnessed by hundreds—says that He is the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life, we need to listen.
Time is quickly running out, and there will be consequences for the life we have lived. 2 Corinthians 5:10 tells us, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to what he has done, whether it be good or bad.”
You have a choice to make, and it is not one that you should put off until tomorrow! “Hear what God says: ‘When the time came for me to show you favor, I heard you; When the day arrived for me to save you, I helped you.’ Listen! This is the hour to receive God’s favor; today is the day to be saved!” (2 Corinthians 6:2).